Gold Diggers
Atlas, Johnson. This complete book of maps shows where gold has
been found in the western United States. Gold areas are printed in red
shading, as are locations of key rock and gem shops, famous hard rock mining
sites etc. 64 pgs. $6.00
Nuggetshooting Dryplacer
Areas, Field Edition, Straight. A guide for the weekend prospector
searching for nuggets in desert drywash areas. Describes the best drywashing
areas and techniques. Includes an insert on Prospecting and Detecting
for Hardrock Gold. 50 pgs. $7.95.
Arizona's Little-Known
Gold Placers, Wielgus. The author acts as a personal guide for
getting the prospector off the beaten path by supplying photos and directions
to lesser-known placers throughout the state. 128 pgs. $22.95
Arizona's Golden Secret,
Wielgus. Reveals to the amateur those areas and methods needed to become
a successful gold hunter for Arizona placer gold. Includes numerous maps.
54 pgs. $18.95
Your's for the Taking,
Wielgus. It's about getting more of your share of desert gold. Highlights
little-known, remote placer sites, prospecting on a budget, use of the
high-banker and the mini-sluice. Pictures and maps. 125 pgs. $18.95
Arizona Gold Placers
and Placering, Wilson. Originally an Arizona Bureau of Mines publications
of placer areas in each county. Contains section on small scale placering.
148 pgs. $7.95
Placer Gold Deposits
of Arizona, Johnson. Map Included. 103 pgs. $7.95
Placer Gold Deposits
of Nevada, 118 pgs. $7.95
Gold Rush!! A Young Prospector's
Guide to Striking it Rich, Klein. A leading gold expert teaches
kids how gold and other mineral sare created , how prospectors find gold,
the history of gold in the United States, where it can be found today and
even how they can pan for gold themselves and stake claims in their own
backyards. Illustrated with maps, photos and line art. 96 pgs. $8.95
Handbook of Treasure
Signs and Symbols, Carson. Describes and illustrates most of the
basic symbols used in hiding treasure. 60 pgs. $8.95
Death Traps to
Treasure, Kenworthy. Line drawings and diagrams show how to recognize
and avoid the "death traps" set up by the Spanish explorers to protect
their treasures in the New World. Spanish and Mexican imne traps, warning
sighns and symbols. This is the third in the series. Full of many illustrations
and diagrams. 64 pgs. $14.95
Unfound Treasures of
Mexico: Espanol and English, Kenworthy. This book includes how
to read signs and symbols, which treasures are still unfound, their approximate
location, and a narrative style which contains history and treasure lore.
A highly informative book on the lost teasures of Mexico, their possible
hiding places and clues where to look when searching. The book is half
Spanish and half English. 96 pgs. $14.95
Ghost Towns of Arizona:
of the Mining Days, Bauer. Striking full-color guides. Bound in water repellent,
film laminated covers. Extensive center-spread maps of the state highlights
locations featured in this book. 48 pgs. $5.95
Zip Zip: Mastering
Your Nugget Detector, Sallee. Revised 2nd Edition. The latest guide
to using and operating the modern gold nugget detector. An illustrated
guide with comprehensive instructions. Well illustrated. 109 pgs. $19.95
Zip Zip: The Advanced
Course, Sallee. $19.95
Gold Fever,
deLorenzo. Favorite among beginners. Full-page illustrations on the mechanics
of panning and sluicing. Maps of Western states gold locations. Numerous
illustrations. Detailed instructions on how to pan for gold (with many
illustrations) includes drawings and instructions on how to build and use
a portable sluice and where to look for gold. 80 pgs. $5.95
Weekend Gold Miner,
Ryan. "How-To" for the amateur. Prospecting, filing a claim, maps, drawings,
and illustrations. One of the most popular and inexpensive of the gold
titles. The author becomes a personal guide to finding gold and getting
it out. 80 pgs. $5.50
Rockhounding Arizona,
Blair. 75 rock-huning sites throughout Arizona. Author describes more than
seventy of the states best rockhounding areas. Covers popular and commercial
sites as well as numerous little-known sites. For the beginner, offers
a complete introduction to this many-faceted hobby. For the expert, it
is an outstanding guide and source-book. 165 pgs. $12.95
Explore Arizona,
Harris. Native Arizonan leads would-be explorers to 60 out-of-the-way places.
Explore old forts, ruins, waterfalls, ice caves, cliff dwellings and other
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Great Southwest, Mitchell. Search for lost mines and hidden treasure
using the legends of the Indians and the Spaniards of the Southwest. Illustrated.
179 pgs. $12.95
A Fortune in the Desert,
Markiewitz. Mountains of wealth can be yours. This book is the source of
mineralogy information and mining techniques needed to help people today
reap the riches still held within the earth. 80 pgs. $7.95
Lost Mines &
Buried Treasures: Along the Old Fronter, Describes and locates
buried treasure locales in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Southern California
and Mexico. Illustrated. 240 pgs. $12.50
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McKenna. Chronicling Sixty Years of Life and Adventure in the Southwest.
300pgs. $12.95
Dry Washing for Gold,
Klein. UPdated edition with more on modern electronic prospecting and current
equipment. Describes dry washing, a profitable means of extracting gold
in regions where water sources are not available. Illustrated. 89 pgs.
Miner's & Prospector's
Reference Handbook, Seibert. A reference book for prospectors.
Prospecting and Processing Techniques. $11.95
The Modern Goldseekers
Manual, Bryant. This book will introduce you to the equipment and
the techniques used by the hobby or small scale placer miner. Canadian
Best Seller. Many illustrations. 223pgs. $12.95
Arizona Walls: If
Only They Could Speak, Martin. Stories of Arizona, from heroes
and cowards, lovers and murderers, to gunslingers and pioneers, as told
by a native Arizonan and Master Storyteller. 288pgs. $14.95
Directory of Active
Mines In Arizona: 1995, Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral
Resources. A directory of active mines for company listings, Sand &
Gravel Operations, Mine Index, Commodity Index, Mineral Production Table.
25 pgs. Map included. $8.95
Buried Treasures
you can find, Marx. A book that every treasure hunter and metal
detector hobbyist should possess. Lists over 7500 specific known sites
of buried treasure in 50 states. Complete information about using the latest,
most modern metal detectors. Color photos. 365 pgs. $14.95
Ghost Towns & Historical
Haunts in Arizona, Heatwole. Stories that first appeared in the
Republic and Phoenix Gazette reveal real life in the old mining
towns in words and photos. 144 pgs. $6.95
Arizona Treasure Hunters:
Ghost Town Guide, Fox. Handy reference for locating old mining
camps, ghost towns, forts, railroads, rivers, lakes and Indian reservations.
Includes a fold-in-map of Arizona and a detailed glossary. 24 pgs. $5.95
Arizona Ghost Towns
and Mining Camps, Varney. An Arizona Highways Book. A travel guide
to history. Full color portfolio, regional maps, historical photographs.
136 pgs. $14.95
Ghost Towns of Arizona,
Sherman. The authors have included many specially drawn maps; and accurate
township, range, and section co-ordinates place the towns at their correct
locations. Using this information, today's "explorer" can locate the sites
from standard base maps. 208 pgs. $21.95
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& The Lost Dutch Mine, Dalis. Most thrilling western ever!
Can it be true? Solve the mystery of the phantom Lost Dutch mine - clues
inside! See the light at the end of the tunnerl - and go for it!! Play
Cowboys & Indians all over again!!! The most terrifying mountain -
only 40 miles east of downtown Phoenix!!!! 152 pgs. $10.95
Advanced Prospecting
& Detecting for Hardrock Gold, Straight. A semi-technical guide
for the serious detectorist that introduces little-known technical aspects
and terminology for prospecting. Includes explanations, references, illustrations,
charts, tables and glossary. 46 pgs. $10.95
The Gold Boom: What
Does It Mean To A Prospector?, GPAA. Valuable information on gold,
including its history, value and worth, the Gold Standard and gold as an
investment. 24 pgs. $2.95